Company Overview
PT Maha Properti Indonesia, Tbk (the "Company") is a Limited Liability Company domiciled in South Jakarta. The Company was established and carries out its business activities according to and based on the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Indonesia The Company was established based on the Limited Liability Company Deed "PT Agro Mulia Investama” No . 2 dated March 5, 2004 (Deed of Establishment of the Company"), drawn up before Benedict Andy Widyanto, SH. Notary in Tangerang, which was ratified by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with Decree Number C-06335 HT.01.01 Year 2004 dated 15 March 2004 and has been announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56, dated 22 Jul 2016, and Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10839/2016.
Since the date of establishment, the Company's Articles of Association have undergone several amendments, the latest of which are as follows:
Adjustment to Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, namely based on Deed Number 11 dated 23 June 2010, drawn up before Benedict Andy Widyanto, S.H. Notary in Tangerang, and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with his Decree Number AHU-48567.AH.01.02. Year 2010 dated October 14, 2010.
Change of the Company's name from PT Agro Mulia Investama to PT Propertindo Mulia Investama, which is based on Alda Number 2 dated 5 December 2011, made before Benedict Andy Widyanto, S.H. Notary in South Tangerang City, and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with his Decree No. AHU-63814.AH.01.02 of 2011 dated December 23 2011, and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes in Company Data Number AHU-AH 01.10-12310 dated 04 April 2013.
Change of the Company's status from closed to open, namely based on Deed Number 32 dated June 7 2018, made before Buntario Tigris Darmawa NG, SH, SE, MH, Notary in Jakarta, and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia by its Decision Letter Number AHU-0012701 AH.01.02 of 2018 dated 8 June 2018, and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes to the Articles of Association Number AHU-AH.01.03-0214645 dated 8 June 2018, and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes to Company Data Number AHU -AH.01.03-0214646 dated 8 June 2018.
Change of the Company's name from PT Propertindo Mulia investama, Tbk to PT Maha Properti Indonesia, Tbk, which is contained in Deed Number 23 dated 5 September 2019, made before Buntario Tigris Darmawa Ng. S.H.S.E.M.H, Notary in Central Jakarta, and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with his Decree Number AHU-0065004 AH.01.02. Year 2019 dated 6 September 2019.
The most recent amendment to the Articles of Association, contained in Deed Number 74 dated 29 September 2022, which was made before Recky Francky Limpele, S.H., Notary in Central Jakarta, and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Amendment to the Articles of Association from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-AH.01.03-0300390 dated 10 October 2022.
The latest changes to the composition of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are contained in Deed Number 192 dated 30 June 2023, made before Buntario Tigris Darmawa NG, SH, SE, MH, Notary in Central Jakarta, and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes to Company Data from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-AH.01.09-0133627 dated 3 July 2023.
The Company's Main Business Fields are Developers, Property Development and Real Estate.