Management Structure


Ir. Wong Budi Setiawan

President Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta, currently 51 years old. Served as President Commissioner based on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23 2023, which has been stated in the Deed of Statement Meeting Decision Number 192, dated 30 June 2023, made in the presence of Buntario Tigris Darmawa NG, SH, SE, MH, Notary in Central Jakarta, with term of office starting from June 23 2023 until the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in 2027.

He graduated from a Bachelor of Civil Engineering at Petra Christian University, Surabaya (1996) and has received a Masters in Management (MM) from the University Indonesia (2022).

Apart from serving as President Commissioner, he also holds several positions other strategic positions, including President Director at PT Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk.(2004 - present); President Director at PT Inti Dufree Propertindo (2004 – present); President Director at PT Arthamulia Indah (2004 – present); President Director at PT Karya Prima Unggulan (2013 – present); President Director at PT Sukses Garda Mulia (2013 – present); Director at PT Cahaya Retilindo (2012 – present); Direc- tor at PT Mayapada Graha Indonesia (2022 – present); Director at PT Topas Properti Indonesia (2021 – present); President Direc- tor at PT Mayapada Properti Indonesia (2000 – present); Director at PT Mayapada Prakarsa Propertindo (2021 – present); Direc- tor at PT Mayapada Interbuana Pratama (2022 – present); Commissioner at PT Mandiri Prima Perdana (2016 – present); Commissioner at PT Banua Multi Guna (2000 – present);


Joshua Luke Tandiono

Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta, currently 19 years old. Appointed as Commissioner based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 September 2022, which has been stated in the Deed of Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Number 74, dated 29 September 2022, made before Recky Francky Limpele, SH, Notary at Central Jakarta, with a term of office starting from September 29 2022 until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2027. He completed his education at British School Jakarta in 2021, and is studying economics at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut since 2021.
Apart from serving as the Company's Commissioner, he also holds several other strategic positions including Director at PT Tanamulia Infotech (2022 - present), Director at PT Javabica Aneka Resources (2022-present), Director at PT Basari Aneka Kreasi (2022 - present), and President Director at PT Banua Multi Guna (2022 – present).

Drs. Da’i Bachtiar S.H.

Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta, currently 72 years old. Served for the first time as Independent Commissioner based on the Company's Shareholders' Decision on May 18 2018 which was stated in the Deed of Statement of Shareholders' Resolutions Number 32, June 7 2018, made before Buntario Tigris Darmawa NG, SH, SE, MH, Notary at Central Jakarta, and his latest appointment as Independent Commissioner based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 September 2022, which has been stated in the Deed of Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Number 74, dated 29 September 2022, made before Recky Francky Limpele, SH, Notary in Central Jakarta, with a term of office starting from 29 September 2022 until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2027.
Indonesian Armed Forces Academy (AKABRI), Police division (Police Academy) in 1972 with last position as Head of the Indonesian National Police for the period 2001 – 2005. Obtained the title of Professor from Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia; Obtained the title "Tan Sri" from Malaysia and the Australian Order (AO) from Australia as well as Bintang Mahaputera Adi Pradana from the Government of Indonesia.
Apart from serving as the Company's Independent Commissioner, he also holds several strategic positions, including Chairman of the Presidium of the Indonesian Crime Prevention Institute (2005 - present), Commissioner of PT Inti Dufree Promosindo (2021-present), Main Commissioner of PT Delta Buana Putera (2016 - present), University Foundation Advisor Professor Dr. Moestopo (2012 – present), Board of Education Foundation and Trustees of Pancasila University (2012 – present), and an Advisor at PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia (2014 – present). He has also held the position of Special Envoy for the President of the Republic of Indonesia (2006), Professor of Security at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia (2006), Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Malaysia (2008 – 2011) , and Chairman of the Indonesia Council on World Affairs (ICWA) (2017 – 2020).

Affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners and founders shareholders.


Ronald Kumalaputra

President Director
Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta, currently 46 years old. Appointed as President Director based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 September 2022, which has been stated in the Deed of Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Number 74, dated 29 September 2022, made before Recky Francky Limpele, SH, Notary at Central Jakarta, with a term of office starting from September 29 2022 until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2027. He completed his education at Indiana University in 2001 and California State University in 2003.
Apart from serving as the President Director of the Company, he has also held several positions in several other companies, including Director of PT. Bangun Archatama (2004 - 2007), Commissioner of PT. Sona Topas Tbk. (2007 - present), President Commissioner of PT. Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Indonesia (2011- present), Director of PT. Mintuna Nagareksa (2011 - present), Main Commissioner of PT. Banten Media Global Television (2018 - present), and Main Commissioner of PT BPR Prabu Mitra, Bank BPR Prabu Mitra, Bekasi, Indonesia (2021 - present).

Iwan Kurniawan

Director & Corporate Secretary

Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta, currently 58 years old. Appointed as Director based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 September 2022, which was stated in the Deed of Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Number 74, dated 29 September 2022, drawn up before Recky Francky Limpele, SH, Notary at Central Jakarta, with a term of office starting from September 29 2022 until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2027. He completed his education at Trisakti University in 1985-1989 (S1 Accounting) and 2001-2003 (S2 marketing).
He also held several positions in several other companies, including Chief Financial Officer of PT Raja Kutai Baru Makmur and PT Mayapada Energi Indonesia (Mining business sector) (October 2018-Present), Finance Director and Operational Director at Subsidiaries of MNC MEDIA Group (November 2017 - September 2018), Operational Director of PT MNC Kabel Mediacom (June 2016 - September 2018), Finance Director of PT INFOKOM ELEKTRINDO (September 2011 - May 2016), Finance Director of PT MNC KABEL MEDIACOM (January 2013 - March 2014), Finance Director ( CFO) PT GLOBAL MEDIACOM Tbk (November 2011 - September 2012), Finance Director PT MNC SKY VISION Tbk (December 2010 - September 2011), Finance Director PT RAJAWALI CITRA TELEVISI INDONESIA (November 2007 - April 2009), Finance & Adm Director KOTA BUKIT INDAH PROJECT (Under property of SALIM GROUP) (July 2000 - October 2007), Finance and Accounting General Manager KOTA BUKIT INDAH PROJECT (Under property of SALIM GROUP) (January 1996 - June 2000), Chief Accountant / Accounting Manager KOTA BUKIT INDAH PROJECT (Under property of SALIM GROUP) (July 1991 - December 1995), Senior Auditor PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ARTHUR ANDERSON (SGV UTOMO & Co) (January 1990 - June 1991), Junior Auditor PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT JOHAN MALONDA AND REKAN (July - December 1989).

Affiliation with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners and founders shareholders.


Audit Committee

Drs. Da'i Bachtiar

Head of Audit Committee

Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H., serves as Head of the Audit Committee based on the Decision of the Board of Commissioners Meeting regarding the Composition of the Company's Audit Committee Membership No. 001/PMI/IPO/VI/2018 dated 8 June 2018. Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H., also serves as the Board of Commissioners, brief profile of Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H., can be seen in the Profile of the Board of Commissioners section.

Inggrid Wahyuni

Member of Audit Committee

Inggrid Wahyuni, serves as a Member of the Audit Committee based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 086/ DEKOM-MPRO/XII/2021 December 15, 2021, and worked at KAP Darmawan, Hendang & Partners (2006-2010) and PT Master Wovenindo Label (2010-2012), Indonesian citizen, aged 42 ( forty-two) years old, and graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Indonesia's School of Economics.


Member of Audit Committee

Fitriyanti, serves as a Member of the Audit Committee based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 086/ DEKOM-MPRO/XII/2021 December 15, 2021, and worked at Endang Sumarna & Partners Tax Consultant (2004-2010) Indonesian citizen, aged 42 (forty two) years, and graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University Muhammadiyah.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H.
Head of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H., serves as Head of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Profile of Drs. Da'i Bachtiar, S.H. can be seen in the Board of Commissioners Profile section.

Ir. Wong Budi Setiawan
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Ir. Wong Budi Setiawan serves as Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Profile of Ir. Wong Budi Setiawan can also be seen in the Company Profile section, subsection Profile of the Board of Commissioners.

Yolanda Wijaya
Member of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Yolanda Wijaya, serves as a Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and has worked at PT Optik Melawai Prima (2010 – 2013), at PT Js Group (2013 – 2021), and at PT Maha Properti Indonesia, Tbk . (starting from 2022), Indonesian citizen, 29 (twenty nine) years old, and graduated from SMK Strada 3.

Internal Audit Unit

Juliawati Alimutomo
Head of Internal Audit Unit

Juliawati Alimutomo is a Member of the Internal Audit Unit, starting her career in stock control and auditing from 2000 to 2016 at PT Inti Dufree Promosindo. Indonesian citizen, 57 years old. Obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree majoring in Accounting from STEI, Jakarta.

PT Maha Properti Indonesia, Tbk is a property company based in the capital city of Indonesia (Jakarta) and has various property projects spread across several provinces in Indonesia.

Contact Us

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Mayapada Tower 2, 20th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 27
Jakarta Selatan 12920
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Phone : 021 – 2500608
Fax : 021 – 2500679
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